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Frequently Asked Questions About CoolSculpting

Frequently Asked Questions About CoolSculpting

Despite our best efforts to diet, exercise and follow healthy lifestyle habits, many of us still struggle with stubborn areas of body fat. The distribution of fat on your body is largely determined by genetics, making it very difficult for you to lose fat from an area...

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Who’s the Best Breast Surgeon in Richmond?

Who’s the Best Breast Surgeon in Richmond?

So many of our cultural expectations for feminine beauty are tied to the look of a woman’s breasts, which is why breast augmentation remains the most frequently performed cosmetic surgery in the U.S. When you’re considering this potentially life-changing surgery, you...

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How to prepare for breast augmentation surgery

How to prepare for breast augmentation surgery

You might be considering breast augmentation surgery currently but are not 100% decided. In order to help you decide if breast augmentation is right for you, it’s a good idea to be informed about how you need to prepare leading up to the surgery and on the day it’s...

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Top 5 facts about CoolSculpting

Top 5 facts about CoolSculpting

CoolSculpting is a spot fat loss treatment that’s gaining more popularity all the time and many people are now opting for it over treatments such as liposuction or a tummy tuck. If you’ve not heard of CoolSculpting; or would just like to find out more about the...

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Liposuction vs Kybella

Liposuction vs Kybella

Many patients are unhappy with the appearance of submental fullness, or fat and loose skin under the chin. This extra skin and fat can age your face, make it appear that you have gained weight, and give you an unproportioned look. In fact, a survey taken in 2015 by...

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Gummy Bear Implants – What Are They?

Gummy Bear Implants – What Are They?

Where breast enhancement is concerned, one of the major debates is which is the best type of implant to use – saline or silicone. The truth is that there is no set answer to this question since each type of implant has its own pros and cons. However, it is no longer...

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New Year, New You – 10 Ways to Look Great This Year

New Year, New You – 10 Ways to Look Great This Year

At Richmond Surgical Arts, we want to help you kick off 2019 by looking and feeling better than ever before. We offer a wide range of surgical and non-surgical treatments that help our patients address a variety of concerns and make this year the best year...

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The most common questions about breast augmentation

The most common questions about breast augmentation

Breast augmentation is an extremely popular form of cosmetic surgery; usually the most popular in any given year. If you are currently considering breast augmentation surgery then you likely have a list of questions that you’d like the answers to.With this in mind,...

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Mommy Makeovers by Dr. Gregory T. Lynam in Richmond

Mommy Makeovers by Dr. Gregory T. Lynam in Richmond

A ‘mommy makeover’ is the term given to a combination of common surgical procedures that are used to help women regain their pre-pregnancy figure. Mommy makeovers have become very popular with women of all ages who want to get their confidence back after giving birth....

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How NeoGraft hair transplants are performed

How NeoGraft hair transplants are performed

How NeoGraft hair transplants are performed If you’re considering a NeoGraft hair transplant, then you’re likely curious as to how exactly it’s performed. There are many misconceptions that persist when it comes to hair transplants, despite the huge advancements in...

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Essential Guide to Mommy Makeovers

Essential Guide to Mommy Makeovers

Pregnancy and childbirth are the most amazing processes the human body can achieve, but the process of growing a tiny human can leave permanent – and embarrassing – signs behind. Though celebrity gossip magazines often make it seem like any woman can immediately...

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Top 5 benefits of liposuction

Top 5 benefits of liposuction

If you have stubborn pockets of fat on your body and have tried to get rid of them with diet and exercise to no avail then liposuction can be a very effective way to treat it. Liposuction is a cosmetic procedure when fat is sucked from the body manually, leaving you...

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Male Hair Loss And NeoGraft

Male Hair Loss And NeoGraft

For most men, balding is a natural part of the aging process, nevertheless, some men struggle to come to terms with the thinning and loss of their hair leading to a negative impact on their confidence and self-esteem. However, there is a solution. NeoGraft is one of...

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The Top 6 Tips for Recovering From Plastic Surgery

The Top 6 Tips for Recovering From Plastic Surgery

Undergoing cosmetic surgery is an exciting, “milestone” procedure for most patients, as it results in improved self-esteem and appearance. Understandably, many patients want to accelerate their recovery process so they can enjoy these changes and returning to their...

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Your Complete Guide to Bra-Line Back Lifts

Your Complete Guide to Bra-Line Back Lifts

No matter how diligently you exercise and diet, you may find your efforts do nothing to get rid of excess bulges of fat and sagging skin around your upper and middle back. A bra-line back lift is a type of cosmetic procedure that addresses these concerns. The surgery...

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10  benefits of Saline implants

10 benefits of Saline implants

When it comes to getting breast surgery, one of the biggest decisions to make is whether to get saline or silicone implants. Both implants have their advantages and disadvantages but to help you make an informed decision, Below are 10 benefits of saline implants. 1....

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Communicating Well With Your Breast Surgeon

Communicating Well With Your Breast Surgeon

When it comes to achieving your ideal results with breast surgery, you of course need to take every step you can to ensure you choose the right surgeon. Choosing the right surgeon is just the first step though. You also need to be able to communicate well with your...

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Breast Augmentation Explained

Breast Augmentation Explained

Breast Augmentation Explained Breast augmentation, or breast enlargement, is a very popular form of cosmetic surgery. In fact it's the most common type cosmetic procedure that's performed in the United States. Women get breast augmentation for many different reasons....

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Injectables for men

Injectables for men

More guys than ever are now invested in how they look and want to maintain a youthful appearance. However a lot of men are not comfortable with the idea of getting major cosmetic surgery. This is why injectables have become so popular with men in recent years. Below...

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Sun Spot Treatment With IPL

Sun Spot Treatment With IPL

If you suffer with sun spots on your face, hands, chest or legs, or you are unhappy with the density of your freckles, sun spot treatment with IPL (Intense Pulse Light technology) offers a safe and effective way to reduce or permanently remove them, giving you a fresh...

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Mommy Makeovers – 5 Secrets For A Great Result

Mommy Makeovers – 5 Secrets For A Great Result

Be Prepared For Several Procedures - Pregnancy affects a woman’s entire body. As a result, patients typically want The Mommy Makeover to combine several procedures. Dr. Lynam’s office specializes in breast augmentation, Mastopexy (breast lift), liposuction,...

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No-Scar Transaxillary Breast Augmentation

Breast Augmentation Guide Part 1 - How the Surgery is Performed   Breast augmentation is the most common type of cosmetic surgery performed in the United States. Thousands of women opt for breast augmentation every year, in order to...

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What is A Mommy Makeover?

What is A Mommy Makeover? A Mommy Makeover is a term given to a combination of cosmetic surgeries that are used to combat the ill effects that pregnancy can have on your body. After giving birth, many women find it difficult...

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Our New Breast Augmentation Site

Our New Breast Augmentation Site

Due to the popularity of breast augmentation procedures, we have opened a breast augmentation clinic that offers minimal scar and scar free augmentation procedures to women globally. As one of the most popular cosmetic surgery procedures amongst women, breast...

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RSA Announces New Skin Rejuvenation Center

RSA Announces New Skin Rejuvenation Center

The skin is one area of the body that tends to be forgotten about even though it’s the largest organ of the human body. The aging process, sun damage and skin conditions such as acne are all things that can cause damage to skin. When the condition of your skin starts...

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Cool things about CoolSculpting

Cool things about CoolSculpting

CoolSculpting by ZELTIQ is a new way to help reduce stubborn fat cells in problem areas including the abdomen, the flanks, the inner and outer thighs and can also be used to reduce the appearance of double chins. In fact, CoolSculpting is an excellent way to reduce...

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