How CoolTone™ Works
Important Safety Information
CoolTone™ should be used with caution in patients with Graves’ disease (an autoimmune disorder that causes overactive thyroid), active bleeding disorders, or seizure disorders.
Women who are close to menstruation may find that it comes sooner, or cramping is increased or intensified with CoolTone™ treatments, therefore, it is recommended to not undergo treatment during this time of the month.
Side effects may include, but are not limited to, muscular pain, temporary muscle spasm, temporary joint or tendon pain, and redness at or near the treatment site.
Ask your Healthcare Provider if CoolTone™ is right for you.
Results and Patient Experience May Vary.
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We will oftentimes circumferentially prep you, meaning you’ll be cleaned 360 degrees around each body part that we’re going to work on. So, if we’re going to work on the front and back, we will clean the whole area. We typically will start on the back side, and then finish that, then flip to one side or the other side, or sometime just flip back onto the back. And we’ll treat all the areas circumferentially.
And the incisions are very small. We try to hide them in inconspicuous places. So if someone has a little scar from a prior mole removal, I’ll use that spot. I try not to set the incisions up like a ladder, where they’re perfectly symmetric. I try to put one a little high, one a little low, and that’s trying to throw off people, so if someone were to look at you, it doesn’t want to look like you have a bunch of incisions that were placed there for liposuction. We can try to camouflage them and make it look like it’s natural. And again, we don’t want to have those incisions placed somewhere where they can be seen. We try to hide them, make them very minuscule.
And after surgery we will wrap you up in what’s called a garment, a compression garment. So there’s typically two types of garments: phase one, phase two. The first garment we’ll place on you, it has clasps, hooks, zippers, so it’s easy for us to get on in the operating room, which is important because you’re asleep. And you’ll wear that essentially for one week, 24 hours a day, take it off an hour a day to shower. The second week through the fourth week, we’ll have you in a stage two garment, which essentially is like a Spanx shapewear garment. Even Under Armour makes some great spandex products, and we sell some, we have them for you, and we can just pick the size that works for you. Some people will buy their own. And you will wear that product generally 12 hours a day, 10 to 12 hours a day you’ll wear that. Generally, during the day you will wear it, and then you won’t wear it at night when you go to bed. And that helps train the skin where to go, where to shrink, how to compress, and ultimately gives you the shape you’re looking for.
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