Share the love for Richmond Surgical Arts by sharing your custom code with a friend! All new patients you refer will get $25 off their first appointment. When their appointment is complete, you will get a $25 account credit....
At Richmond Surgical Arts and Richmond BHRT, we’re passionate about celebrating our patients’ life-changing journeys toward better health. Today, we’re thrilled to share an inspiring success story from our medically managed weight loss program that...
We know everyone is on the hunt for savings this time of the year! During November and December we have the following promotional offers: **CoolSculpting: Buy one area, get the second area 40% OFF! OR Buy one area, get submental (below the chin) FREE! (of equal or...
**Products must be picked up IN OFFICE. No Shipping. Don’t let your product graveyard haunt you! Get rid of those products you’re not using and stock up on medical-grade products backed by clinical research with our 20% off sale. 20% OFF ALL PRODUCTS now...
If you need to get in before the holidays, PLEASE book now! Our injectors are already almost full for November and December. We can always add you to a waiting list, but that does not guarantee you will get an appointment. Lillian Johnston is already booking into...